Convention Hotel Information

photo of the exterior of the Palmer House hotel.

The Palmer House Hilton
17 East Monroe Street
Chicago, IL 60603
Click HERE to make a room reservation within the AATF Convention group online.
Or make reservations at (312) 726–7500 and ask for the AATF Annual Convention Block, or group code 90J. 

Group rate cutoff date - June 5th, 2025, or when all rooms in the block have been reserved.

Click HERE for a list of all amenities offered

The hotel rates that AATF has negotiated include many benefits for you and for the AATF. Based on the number of rooms in the block of rooms, the hotel provides:
  • complimentary meeting room space
  • exhibit space
  • discounted staff accommodations
  • reduced food and beverage charges
These savings are passed on to attendees through reduced AATF Convention registration rates. If the AATF Convention is unable to meet its room-block commitment because attendees are making reservations at other hotels, the hotel charges the AATF an attrition fee to make up the hotel's lost revenue. If this became a trend, the AATF would be forced to increase the registration fee and cut services.
AATF Room Block prices start at $229.00 per night.
In addition to the group room rates set forth, there will be a daily destination fee, currently $25.00 per room, per night, plus applicable state and local tax that will be posted to all guest rooms. This daily destination fee can be used to cover the following items, services, and/or amenities (which are subject to change without notice)
  • Daily $25 Food & Beverage Credit (excluding tax & gratuity) at hotel's restaurant, bar, & lounge
  • Daily $25 Spa Credit (excluding tax & gratuity) at The Spa at Palmer House
  • Premium Guestroom Internet for up to 3 devices

Credits must be used daily, and do not accumulate over the duration of stay. 

Yes!! It is only by registrants telling the hotel they are attending the AATF Convention that the AATF receives credit for the individual. In addition, sleeping rooms reserved by AATF Convention registrants will receive complimentary Internet in their sleeping rooms. Please ensure that whoever is making your reservation tells the agent that you are attending the AATF Convention. 

By reserving a block of rooms, the AATF knows its attendees will be able to have a hotel room. If the AATF didn't reserve a block of rooms, it would be subject to room rental fees and full food and beverage costs—greatly increasing the cost of holding the convention. 

The AATF usually picks hotels that are self-contained conference facilities. By staying at The Palmer House Hilton, you don't worry about cab fares, bad weather, or forgetting something in your room. Once you factor in such considerations, you may find that the great rate you found at another hotel isn't all that great. 

The AATF tracks sleeping room reservations and cancellations at each convention so that it can more accurately block the number of rooms that will be filled by attendees. However, every discount we receive at a hotel is based on the number of room nights we block, so as we reduce our block, we are consequently paying more for other services at the hotel. Reducing the block means that attendees will either have to pay a higher registration fee or services will have to be cut. 

Interested in splitting the costs of a hotel room with a roommate or arranging a carpool?
Click HERE to share info with others who are looking to arrange shared accommodations or carpools