Due to high volume of messages, please wait at least 7 business days before re-sending your inquiry.
Please see below for troubleshooting resources before submitting as your concern may be addressed:
Login Difficulties
Please note that all members need to create a new log in with the new website, even if you already had a login with the old site and/or are already paid for 2024.
If you haven't activated your account with our new site (launched 1/31/24!), please do so by clicking "join now" on the top right side of the site. This will allow you to access your member compass and membership benefits.
More information on the new site and how to create/activate your new account can be found here: https://www.frenchteachers.org/welcome
AATF Boutique
If you’re having difficulty attempting to order SHF or JAF Merchandise from AATF-Boutique.com, please note that this site is run by National Awards LLC (which is a separate company that does all the fulfillment of these merch orders for the AATF - AATF HQ does not have access to billing info nor admin access to the site), and as such, your login on Frenchteachers.org will not work, nor do we at AATF Headquarters have access to the backend of the site to reset your password or account info. You will need to create a new log in with the Boutique if you have not ordered from them before.
Honor Societies
For additional information about SHF/JAF, the French Honor Societies, please take a look at the informational pages found here as these have step-by-step instructions for the procedure for inductions as well as frequently asked questions:
National French Contest / Grand Concours
If your inquiry is regarding the Grand Concours / National French Contest, please take a look at the informational pages found here: https://www.frenchteachers.org/le-grand-concours
Regarding the NFC/GC store, please note that the shop (https://frenchcontest.org/runstore/nmstore) for purchasing tests requires login.
- Default log in for AATF members at the NFC store is your email as the username and your AATF member ID as the password.
- If you are not a member, please select “register” at the top right side of the webpage.
If you are still experiencing difficulties, please reach out to support@frenchcontest.org