JAF Contests

2024-2025 JAF Creative Writing Contest

Submission deadline: Wednesday, December 4, 2024 (23h59)

Writing Prompt
Imagine que tu voyages dans un pays francophone. Explique ce que tu vas voir, faire et manger/boire pendant ton séjour. Pourquoi choisis-tu de visiter ce pays?

**A monetary prize will be awarded to all winning compositions published in the Spring Élan.**

Concours 2024-2025  – JAF Creative Writing/Composition Originale


  • Deadline: entries must be electronically submitted by Wednesday, December 4th, 2024 (23h59). Any entry time-stamped after that time will be ineligible.
  • Each teacher may submit a maximum of three student entries. Submissions of more than three entries will render ALL entries ineligible.


Writing Prompt 

Imagine que tu voyages dans un pays francophone. Explique ce que tu vas voir, faire et manger/boire pendant ton séjour. Pourquoi choisis-tu de visiter ce pays?


  • The essay must be no more than 150 words. The word count feature of Microsoft Word will be used to verify each entry. Entries that exceed 150 words are ineligible.
  • Teachers may not correct the text. Please refer to rubric for scoring.
  • Entries should include the name of the francophone country the student has selected.
  • Do NOT include personal information in text of essay entry.


A monetary prize will be given to all winning compositions published in the Spring Élan.

For a detailed list of JAF Creative Writing Contest Instructions please click HERE






Francophone country



Country selected by student is francophone.

Focus and Details of writing

There is one clear, well focused topic. Main idea is clear and developed.

There is more than one topic.  Ideas may or may not be clear and developed.

The topic and main ideas are not clear.

Word Choice 

Student uses a variety of vocabulary.  Word choice is accurate and does not impede comprehensibility.

Student uses basic vocabulary.  Word choice does not impede comprehensibility.

Student uses vocabulary that is inaccurate and impedes comprehensibility.




Student is creative in choice of country and has researched details.

Some creativity is evident, some research about country is shown.

Little to no creativity, little to no research.

For full JAF Creative Writing Contest Rubric please click HERE

Please ensure the following conditions have been met.

  • School has active JAF Charter.
  • Submitting teacher is listed as JAF sponsor or co-sponsor of school JAF Charter. 
    • Not sure of JAF Charter status or listed JAF sponsor? Please check the JAF DIRECTORY HERE.
  • Submitting teacher/JAF sponsor has current AATF membership.
    • Not sure of membership status? After logging in to frenchteachers.org, please click on 'Member Compass' to see when membership expires/expired.
  • Student is an inducted member of JAF ($4 Induction Fee was paid to AATF when student was inducted).
  • Entry is submitted by Wednesday, December 4, 2024 (23h59)

Entry Submission

Additional questions? Check the JAF FAQ here