Secondary Contest (Levels 01-5)

2024 Secondary Contest Testing Dates:

February 14 - April 8, 2024

  • Specifications - based on the newly revised World Readiness French standards and indicating proficiency equivalencies
  • Specifications - traditional format which includes a complete listing of what is expected at each Contest level

There are always exceptions and borderline cases which the teacher and Chapter Contest Administrator must decide based on good judgment, fairness, and consistency.  The level at which the student is registered is irrevocable.  Therefore, in case of doubt, be sure to contact the National Chairman for Eligibility before registering the student.


Students take Concours at the level of high school French course (or equivalent) they are completing at the date of Concours, that is, at level

  • MS1 (Level 01)
  • MS2 (Level 1)
  • Level 1
  • Level 2
  • Level 3
  • Level 4 or
  • Level 5.

Students taking French at grade levels 1 – 6 take Concours-FLES, except as indicated below.

  • Sixth-grade students beginning a two-year course sequence equivalent to high school French 1 will take Concours level MS1 (Level 01). In 7th grade they will take MS2 (Level 1) and in 8th grade they will go to Concours level 2.
  • Sixth-grade students in a three-year course sequence equivalent to French 1 will take FLES; in 7th grade they will take MS1 (Level 01) and in 8th grade they will take MS2 (Level 1).


  • Seventh graders taking the first half of high school French 1 take level MS1 (Level 01).
  • Eighth graders who are completing the second half of high school French 1 take MS2 (level 1).
  • Eighth graders who are taking the entire French 1 course in eighth grade will take MS2 (Level 1).
  • Level 5 is for high school students taking French above level 4.


Students may be entered at Divisions A, B, C, D, E, or AP as determined by the teacher following the guidelines below. in case of doubt, be sure to contact the National Chairman for Eligibility before registering the student.

Divisions A, C , D, and E apply to all levels, 01-5.

Division B is available only at levels 01, 1 and 2, where it permits at the first three levels a fairer ranking of students of differing French backgrounds. Division B is not offered beyond level 2, since the Concours is more challenging at the higher levels and early French experience will not give students any measurable advantage over students who do not have any previous exposure.

Division AP is only available to levels 4 and 5.

For additional specifics and detailed eligibility rules, please click here.

Remember the ABCs:

  • Division A – absolute beginner;
  • Division B – some outside background;
  • Division C – completely native;
  • Division D – different schedule/block/started next French course second semester;
  • Division E – not currently enrolled in a French class;
  • Division AP – student taking Advanced Placement French.

Level Repetition

No student shall take the same level of Concours more than once. 


1.       A high school obliges all entering ninth graders to take French 1: the student, who has already taken Concours at level 1, will have the choice of:

·         taking Contest level 2;

·         abstaining for a year; or

·         taking level 1 Hors Concours (results unranked and ineligible for National awards).

 2.       Level 5 and FLES students [except MS1/level 01] may take the same level more than once.

3.       Students will be permitted to take the Concours at the same level two years in a row provided they submit evidence to the Contest Administrator, through their teacher, that they are repeating the same French course because they did not pass it when they took it previously.

Teachers and Contest Administrators will keep registration records to prevent repeat registrations and to simplify record keeping from year to year.